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A group of bottles with straws and fruits

Five SodaStream Recipes for Summer

A group of bottles with straws and fruits

Summer is finally here, and its hot, sunny days make us crave refreshing drinks to enhance our enjoyment. Although water is the ultimate quencher when we are thirsty, most people also find it bland, so why not add some bubbles and flavours for a more exciting twist? Whether you are hosting a family gathering or enjoying a quiet afternoon in the sun, having a variety of delicious homemade soft drinks at your fingertips is the best way to make the most of your summer days.

As bottle gas suppliers, we know how popular home carbonation machines are to conveniently create fizzy drinks of all kinds. In this blog, we will explore how you can turn plain water into a selection of fruity delights right in your kitchen!

A glass of water with ice

Home Carbonation Made Easy

Home carbonation machines, with the precious help of food-grade CO2 cylinders, offer a fantastic and convenient way to make fun, bubbly drinks at home whenever you want. With these devices, you will no longer have to go to the supermarket and buy heavy bottles to bring back home; instead, you will give your water a fizzy twist in a few seconds. It is, then, easy to understand how these machines are great allies during the hot summer month!

Also, if you are one of those who love to experiment in your kitchen, the simplicity of home carbonation means you get to release your creative culinary flare and come up with different flavour combinations. From adding tasty fruit juice to throwing in herbs and even flowers, the possibilities are endless, ensuring everyone among your family and friends has a beverage they will thoroughly enjoy. Just remember, never try to sodastream your milk, as it leads to very unpleasant outcomes!

A glass of water with ice and rosemary

Healthier Homemade Soft Drinks

Aside from the convenience of preparing your tailored drinks from the comfort of your kitchen, one of the other great advantages of carbonating water at home is the control you have over the ingredients. Store-bought products often contain unhealthy additives such as artificial flavours and preservatives or are high in sugar. So, by making your drinks, you’ll finally enjoy wholesome, delicious beverages, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Also, there is another aspect that deserves attention: increasing your water intake! As we’ve said initially, many people find plain water boring, resulting in not drinking the recommended daily amount; however, adding a bit of flavour or even the simple presence of bubbles makes the water more enjoyable, encouraging staying hydrated. You have the choice to infuse your home carbonated drinks with fruits like berries, citrus, or even cucumbers, and herbs like mint or basil, which not only enhance the overall taste but also offer various health benefits, providing elements like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals!

A glass of water with ice and lime slices

Infuse Your Drinks with Eco-Friendly Bubbles

Sustainability is another element that benefits from the use of home carbonation machines. It is no mystery that traditional soft drink consumption means an incredibly high amount of single-use plastic bottles and cans, which create pollution and waste. By contrast, by making your own carbonated beverages at home, you will be able to cut down on the need for disposable containers, reduce plastic waste, and lower the environmental impact of single-use beverage containers.

Bottles aside, using refillable CO2 cylinders also improves sustainability, as they are refillable and can be reused multiple times rather than being used once and discarded. This particular aspect makes home carbonation an incredibly environmentally friendly choice.

Your Drink, Your Way

What is so exciting about the possibilities offered by home carbonation machines is the creation of a huge variety of healthy drinks that are entirely personalised, as we will see below. Your base will always be carbonated water, which you’ll easily fulfil with our CO2 for SodaStream, but then you can free up your creativity and add the most unconventional flavour combinations for unique, tasty drinks. Aside from flavours, remember that you can also customise the level of carbonation desired so every sip is just right.

Of course, the tailoring process includes the sweetness and ingredients used. For instance, you try swapping sugar for natural sweeteners such as agave syrup or honey or skip them altogether. For those who love experimenting, adding herbs like mint, rosemary, or lavender will lead to more sophisticated and untraditional flavours that will surely please their guests. Now, let’s look into some recipes for this summer.

A person holding a glass of water

Lemon-Mint Sparkler

Ingredients: 1 lemon, ten fresh mint leaves, 1 tbsp honey, 1 litre carbonated water.
Squeeze the lemon juice into a glass, add the honey and mint leaves, muddle gently, and then pour in the carbonated water. Stir well, and serve over ice.

Berry Bliss

Ingredients: 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), 1 tbsp agave syrup, 1 litre carbonated water
Muddle the berries and agave syrup in a glass. Add carbonated water, stir gently, and serve over ice.

Tropical Pineapple Fizz

Ingredients: 1/2 cup pineapple juice, 1 tbsp coconut syrup, 1 litre carbonated water
Mix pineapple juice and coconut syrup in a glass. Add carbonated water, stir well, and serve over ice.

Orange Ginger Zing

Ingredients: 1 orange, 1/2 inch fresh ginger (grated), 1 tsp honey, 1 litre carbonated water
Squeeze the orange juice into a glass and add grated ginger and honey. Pour in carbonated water, stir well, and serve over ice.

Peach Thyme Spritzer

Ingredients: 1 peach (sliced), 2 sprigs fresh thyme, 1 tsp honey, 1 litre carbonated water
Muddle peach slices, thyme, and honey in a glass. Add carbonated water, stir well, and serve over ice.

A row of glasses with different coloured drinks

Save Money with DIY Soft Drinks

Finally, we can’t conclude our exploration without touching upon the financial aspect associated with home carbonation. Buying pre-packaged beverages, whether it is sparkling water or soft drinks, comes with an unquestionable cost. We appreciate that the initial investment in buying a machine for home carbonation might be high; however, in the long term, it will surely save you money. Aside from the actual bottled soft drinks, the cost of CO2 refills and flavouring ingredients is also generally much lower than the price of store-bought products. Over time, these savings add up, making homemade carbonated drinks an economical choice for your household.

Give Your Beverages a Fizz Twist with Bottle Gases

Ready to customise your beverages and benefit from all the advantages we’ve just learned about? As you prepare for the warm months ahead, start crafting your delicious soft drinks with our CO2 bottles!

At Bottle Gases, we offer a range of refillable and disposable CO2 cylinders that will help you make carbonating water at home easy and efficient. Contact us today to explore our products; our team will be more than happy to get back to you.