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Nitrogen Ice Cream: A Cool Twist to Homemade Desserts

A person using a liquid in a bowl

Have you ever heard of using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream? If not, it’s time to learn about this incredibly popular and fascinating trend in worldwide cuisine. We mostly associate nitrogen with other applications, like air conditioning or food preservation; however, there is a more creative side to it, which is what we will explore in today’s blog.

As summer is fast approaching, ice cream lovers are getting ready to enjoy delicious frozen desserts that will relieve them from the heat. And it’s here that nitrogen ice cream comes into play! This innovative approach brings a new, fresh twist to traditional methods, using liquid nitrogen to create a smoother product. Not only is this process unconventional and truly mesmerising to watch, but it is also doable at home, offering a fun experience for anyone interested in safely experimenting in their kitchen. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the science and magic of nitrogen ice cream.

A close-up of a stream of water

What’s the Science Behind Nitrogen Ice Cream?

Behind the mysterious charm of nitrogen ice cream, there is no other magic but the scientific properties of liquid nitrogen itself. In its liquid form, this gas becomes extremely cold, with a boiling point of -196°C! And just like it happens for creating fog or mist on cinema and theatre sets, this characteristic becomes incredibly valuable. When liquid nitrogen meets the ice cream compound, it instantly freezes it. While normal ice cream-making techniques create larger ice crystals, the extremely tiny ones resulting from this process produce the soft, smooth signature consistency of nitrogen ice cream.

Texture aside, this gas also preserves the flavours better. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as we often find nitrogen in food processing. Its exceptionally cold temperature is great at locking in the flavours, so they don’t dissolve during a slower freezing process. This translates into a stronger, richer taste compared to traditional ice cream! As always, science and cuisine go hand in hand: understanding agents – in this case, liquid nitrogen – and their reactions and interactions with the other ingredients is the key to successful cooking experiments.

A person cooking with smoke

Getting Creative: Personalise Your Frozen Delight

Now that we understand what makes nitrogen ice cream possible, it’s time to explore its creative side. The process itself is quite easy and versatile, as we will see later, and the flavour possibilities are endless. If you feel particularly adventurous and love experimenting, you should start with a traditional vanilla or chocolate ice cream base and then free up your creativity with a wide range of flavours and add-ins. These could include fresh fruits like berries, nuts, candies, chocolates, and even unconventional ingredients, such as turmeric, cinnamon, or sesame seeds.

Nitrogen ice cream is extremely flexible in terms of options, so you can further customise your creations to dietary restrictions or preferences by replacing dairy with plant drinks like almond, coconut, soy or oat milk to make vegan or dairy-free ice cream versions. Of course, you can skip sugar and pick other sweeteners such as stevia, agave syrup, maple syrup, or honey. Thanks to the quick-freezing nature of liquid nitrogen, you can get creative without worrying too much about long freeze times, making it easy to come up with new recipes and mixes until you find the perfect one.

What You Need to Know About Liquid Nitrogen at Home

At this point, you might feel very intrigued and eager to try making nitrogen ice cream at home. Before getting to the actual process, we must stress that you cannot make liquid nitrogen at home using regular nitrogen cylinders. This is highly impractical due to the complex technology involved. As we stated earlier, nitrogen reaches extremely low temperatures (-196°C), which means that to produce liquid nitrogen, you will need cryogenic distillation and specialised equipment such as cryocoolers, compressors, and heat exchangers.

Instead of trying to make liquid nitrogen at home, it is much safer to buy it from reputable suppliers that offer it in special containers designed for safe handling and storage. Remember that you must have the necessary safety equipment, including cryogenic gloves, face shields, and protective clothing, to handle the substance safely.

A person using a flask

Bring the Chills into Your Kitchen with DIY Nitrogen Ice Cream

Now that we discussed safety, we can move on to the fun part. Making nitrogen ice cream at home is not impossible; it can be fun and rewarding. After what we said above, we appreciate that it may sound intimidating, but with the right precautions, tools, and ingredients, it will turn out to be a success. The first thing you need is, of course, liquid nitrogen, which, as we explained, can be purchased from trusted suppliers. Again, safety is paramount when handling liquid nitrogen, so proper protective gear and handling instructions are non-negotiable. Then:

  • Make your ice cream base with your chosen ingredients (you can find many recipes online).
  • Once the base is ready, slowly add liquid nitrogen while continuously stirring. The mixture will start freezing almost immediately, so keep stirring until you get the desired consistency.

The extremely fast freezing process will create a beautifully smooth, soft, and creamy consistency. With some practice, you will be able to refine your technique and impress your friends and family with the magic of homemade nitrogen ice cream!

A person pouring food into a container

Popularity Surge: Ice Cream Shops and Chains Using Nitrogen

Nitrogen ice cream has long been a staple of molecular cuisine (the scientific approach to cooking cuisine rooted in chemistry). Its spectacularity has led numerous ice cream shops and chains to add it to their menus, offering their clientele an entertaining way to enjoy ice cream. In fact, these shops often feature open kitchens where customers can watch the process of liquid nitrogen transforming ice cream bases into creamy treats right before their eyes!

Aside from the food aspect then, it is safe to say that customers love to pay for the experience itself. It is no coincidence that many of these parlours went the extra mile by adding theatrical elements, such as clouds of fog from the liquid nitrogen, for extra excitement and wonder, which made them popular destinations for families, date nights, and anyone looking to enjoy something unique.

Even if we can’t supply liquid nitrogen, as bottled gas suppliers, we do offer a wide selection of food-grade gases, including our reliable nitrogen gas cylinders that are perfect for preserving food and drinks to help you maintain the freshness and quality of your culinary creations.

In addition to nitrogen, we have a vast selection of other gas products tailored to meet various needs. Whether you are looking for solutions for your restaurant or home experiments, we have you covered. Contact us today to learn more about our product offerings or to place an order, and our team will assist you in finding the right gas solutions for your requirements.