Disposable Gas Bottles
Disposable Helium Balloon Gas for Parties (3)
Food Grade Disposable Gas Cylinders (16)
Industrial and Welding Disposable Gas Cylinders (18)
Small Non-refillable disposable gas-filled cylinders are secure, compact, economic and lightweight and are the cost effective & simpler option to the large industrial size cylinders.
Small Non-refillable disposable gas-filled cylinders are secure, compact, economic and lightweight. Small Non-refillable disposable gas bottles are cost effective & simpler option to the large industrial size cylinders. Small Non-refillable disposable gas bottles are good for all people who dont want to be tied into a gas contract, eliminating the need to pay the continual rental of large cylinders, for all people that do not desire to have all issues with working the industrial size cylinders. Non-refillable cylinders often save time and do not require periodic re-certification.
Small Non-refillable disposable gas-filled cylinders are commonly used in a widely variety of applications such as welding/cutting, wine preservation, beer and other beverage dispensing, carbonation systems, ballon gas, for tyre inflation, purging, blanketing, in the refrigeration industry and air conditioning systems.
Small Non-refillable disposable cylinders are available with a variety of gas fills, including Carbon Dioxide, Argon, Argon/Co2 (Mix), Oxygen, Nitrogen and Helium . Small Non-refillable disposable cylinders are available in different sizes with volumes ranging from 0.95 Litre (950 ml) to 2.2 Litre (2200 ml).
Non-refillable disposable cylinders are designed and manufactured in conformity with requirements of the UNI EN ISO 11118:2015 Directive 2010/35-UE T-PED.
Non-refillable disposable cylinders have got the “RHO mark” for the UK market.
Argon MIG welding of alluminium and all TIG welding
Argon/CO2 MIG welding carbon steel
Carbon Dioxide CO2 MAG welding iron
Carbon Dioxide CO2 for Aquariums
Carbon Dioxide CO2 E290 Food Grade 580g CO2, 1100g CO2 for Carbonated water dispensing systems, Beer dispensing systems
Nitrogen E941 Food Grade Wine / food preservation systems, Wine dispensing systems
Oxygen To be used with fuel gas for higher temperature combustion. Ideal for: Welding, Brazing ,Cutting thin sheet metal
Nitrogen – To be used in the HVAC&R systems for removing the moisture/water vapor to create a dry environment, drain clearing or inerting, trace gas leak detection, in high performance car & bike tyres to maintain steady tyre pressures, laser cutting and laboratory applications
Helium Balloon filling, laser welding, leak testing and laboratory applications
The 2.2 litre disposable gas cylindershave a much larger capacity and are filled to a much higher pressure than conventional disposable cylinders currently available.